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Murali, Gopal; Kodandaramaiah, Ullasa. (2018). Body size and evolution of motion dazzle coloration in lizards. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY 29 (1):79-86; 10.1093/beheco/arx128 | 2018 |
Fonseca, Sandra; Radhakrishnan, Dhanya; Prasad, Kalika; Chini, Andre. (2018). Fungal Production and Manipulation of Plant Hormones. CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 25 (2):253-267; 10.2174/0929867324666170314150827 | 2018 |
Sahoo, RK; Lohman, DJ; Wahlberg, N; Muller, CJ; Brattstrom, O; Collins, SC; Peggie, D; Aduse-Poku, K; Kodandaramaiah, U, (2018), Evolution of Hypolimnas butterflies (Nymphalidae): Out-of-Africa origin and Wolbachia-mediated introgression MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 123 50-58; 10.1016/j.ympev.2018.02.001 | 2018 |
Sambathkumar, R; Akkerman, R; Dastidar, S; Roelandt, P; Kumar, M; Bajaj, M; Rosa, ARM; Helsen, N; Vanslembrouck, V; Kalo, E; Khurana, S; Laureys, J; Gysemans, C; Faas, MM; de Vos, P; Verfaillie, CM, (2018), Generation of hepatocyte- and endocrine pancreatic-like cells from human induced endodermal progenitor cells, PLOS ONE 13 (5):10.1371/journal.pone.0197046 | 2018 |
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Parthasarathy, B; Somanathan, H, (2018), Body condition and food shapes group dispersal but not solitary dispersal in a social spider BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY 29 (3):619-627; 10.1093/beheco/ary013 | 2018 |
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Natesh, R; Clare, DK; Farr, GW; Horwich, AL; Saibil, HR (2018>). A two-domain folding intermediate of RuBisCO in complex with the GroEL chaperonin , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 118: 671-675; 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.06.120 | 2018 |
Krishna, S; Somanathan, H (2018). Intersexual mimicry and flowering phenology facilitate pollination in a dioecious habitat specialist species, Myristica fatua (Myristicaceae), PLANT ECOLOGY 219(10): 1247-1257; 10.1007/s11258-018-0875-6 | 2018 |
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Natesh, R; Clare, DK; Farr, GW; Horwich, AL; Saibil, HR (2018). A two-domain folding intermediate of RuBisCO in complex with the GroEL chaperonin, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 118(671-675), DOI 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.06.120 | 2018 |
Krishna, S; Somanathan, H, (2018). Intersexual mimicry and flowering phenology facilitate pollination in a dioecious habitat specialist species, Myristica fatua (Myristicaceae), PLANT ECOLOGY 219 (1247-1257), DOI 10.1007/s11258-018-0875-6 | 2018 |
Luwang, JW; Natesh, R, (2018). Phosphomimetic Mutation Destabilizes the Central Core Domain of Human p53, IUBMB LIFE 70 (1023-1031), DOI: 10.1002/iub.1914 | 2018 |
Joseph, A; Nagaraja, V; Natesh, R, (2018). MSMEG_6292, a Mycobacterium smegmatis RNA polymerase secondary channel-binding protein: purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS, 74(543-548), DOI: 10.1107/S2053230X18009755 | 2018 |
Rodrigues-Prause, A; Sampaio, NMV; Gurol, TM; Aguirre, GM; etc., (2018), A Case Study of Genomic Instability in an Industrial Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 8 (3703-3713), DOI: 10.1534/g3.118.200446 | 2018 |
Sahoo, RK; Kodandaramaiah, U, (2018), Local host plant abundance explains negative association between larval performance and female oviposition preference in a butterfly, BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, 125 (333-343), DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/bly111 | 2018 |
Rodrigues-Prause, A., Sampaio, N.M.V., Gurol, T.M., Aguirre, G.M., Sedam, H.N.C., Chapman, M.J., Malc, E.P., Ajith, V.P., Chakraborty, P., Tizei, P.A., Pereira, G.A.G., Mieczkowski, P.A., Nishant, K.T. and Argueso JL (2018) A case study of genomic instability in an industrial strain of saccharomyces cerevisiae. G3 (Bethesda) 8: 3703-3713. | 2018 |
Liu, Zhang, Yang, Matsui, Seki, Li, Yan, Kohnen, Gu, Prasad K, Tuskan G, Lu , Oka, (2018), PtWOX11 acts as master regulator conducting the expression of key transcription factors to induce de novo shoot organogenesis in poplar, Liu B, et al. Plant Mol Biol | 2018 |
V. Stalin Raj *, Okba NMA, Gutierrez-Alvarez J, Drabek D, van Dieren B, Widagdo W, Lamers MM, Widjaja I, Fernandez-Delgado R, Sola I, Bensaid A, Koopmans MP, Segalés J, Osterhaus ADME, Bosch BJ, Enjuanes L, Haagmans BL*. (2018) Chimeric camel/human heavy-chain antibodies protect against MERS-CoV infection. Science Advances.;4(8):eaas9667. * Corresponding authors (media coverage Hindustan Times) | 2018 |
Al-Sweel, N.; Raghavan, V.; Dutta, A.; Ajith, V. P.; Di Vietro, L.; Khondakar, N.; Manhart, C. M.; Surtees, J. A.; Nishant, K. T.; Alani, E., mlh3 mutations in baker's yeast alter meiotic recombination outcomes by increasing noncrossover events genome-wide. Plos Genetics 2017, 13 (8). | 2017 |
Cyriac, V. P.; Kodandaramaiah, U., Paleoclimate determines diversification patterns in the fossorial snake family Uropeltidae Cuvier, 1829. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2017, 116, 97-107. | 2017 |
Dutta, A.; Lin, G.; Pankajam, A. V.; Chakraborty, P.; Bhat, N.; Steinmetz, L. M.; Nishant, K. T., Genome Dynamics of Hybrid Saccharomyces cerevisiae During Vegetative and Meiotic Divisions. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 2017, 7 (11), 3669-3679. | 2017 |
Manesia, J. K.; Franch, M.; Tabas-Madrid, D.; Nogales-Cadenas, R.; Vanwelden, T.; Van den Bosch, E.; Xu, Z. F.; Pascual-Montano, A.; Khurana, S.; Verfaillie, C. M., Distinct Molecular Signature of Murine Fetal Liver and Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cells Identify Novel Regulators of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function. Stem Cells and Development 2017, 26 (8), 573-584. | 2017 |
Mayekar, H. V.; Kodandaramaiah, U., Pupal colour plasticity in a tropical butterfly, Mycalesis mineus (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Plos One 2017, 12 (2). | 2017 |
Sahoo, R. K.; Warren, A. D.; Collins, S. C.; Kodandaramaiah, U., Hostplant change and paleoclimatic events explain diversification shifts in skipper butterflies (Family: Hesperiidae). Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2017, 17. | 2017 |
Somanathan, H.; Borges, R. M.; Warrant, E. J.; Kelber, A., Visual Adaptations for Mate Detection in the Male Carpenter Bee Xylocopa tenuiscapa. Plos One 2017, 12 (1). | 2017 |
Thomas, G. E.; Renjith, M. R.; Manna, T. K., Kinetochore-microtubule interactions in chromosome segregation: lessons from yeast and mammalian cells. Biochemical Journal 2017, 474, 3559-3577. | 2017 |
van Bergen, E.; Osbaldeston, D.; Kodandaramaiah, U.; Brattstrom, O.; Aduse-Poku, K.; Brakefield, P. M., Conserved patterns of integrated developmental plasticity in a group of polyphenic tropical butterflies. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2017, 17. | 2017 |
Bhattacharjee, D.; Dasgupta, S.; Biswas, A.; Deheria, J.; Gupta, S.; Dev, N. N.; Udell, M.; Bhadra, A., Practice makes perfect: familiarity of task determines success in solvable tasks for free-ranging dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Animal Cognition 2017, 20 (4), 771-776. | 2017 |
Chakraborty, P.; Pankajam, A. V.; Lin, G.; Dutta, A.; Nandanan, K. G.; Tekkedil, M. M.; Shinohara, A.; Steinmetz, L. M.; Thazath, N. K., Modulating Crossover Frequency and Interference for Obligate Crossovers in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Meiosis. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 2017, 7 (5), 1511-1524. | 2017 |
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Sahoo, R. K., Digest: Ancient codispersals and host shifts in passerine bird-feather mite symbiosis. Evolution 2017, 71 (10), 2539-2540. | 2017 |
Sharma, A.; Prasad, M., Understanding morphogenesis in Drosophila oogenesis: Role of insulin signaling in border cell migration. Mechanisms of Development 2017, 145, S21-S21. | 2017 |
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Vancsok, C.; Penaranda, M. M. D.; Raj, V. S.; Leroy, B.; Jazowiecka-Rakus, J.; Boutier, M.; Gao, Y.; Wilkie, G. S.; Suarez, N. M.; Wattiez, R.; Gillet, L.; Davison, A. J.; Vanderplasschen, A. F. C., Proteomic and Functional Analyses of the Virion Transmembrane Proteome of Cyprinid Herpesvirus 3. Journal of Virology 2017, 91 (21). | 2017 |
Roobrouck, V. D.; Wolfs, E.; Delforge, M.; Broekaert, D.; Chakraborty, S.; Sels, K.; Vanwelden, T.; Holvoet, B.; Lhoest, L.; Khurana, S.; Pandey, S.; Hoornaert, C.; Ponsaerts, P.; Struys, T.; Boeckx, N.; Vandenberghe, P.; Deroose, C. M.; Verfaillie, C. M., Multipotent adult progenitor cells improve the hematopoietic function in myelodysplasia. Cytotherapy 2017, 19 (6), 744-755. | 2017 |
Borges, R. M.; Somanathan, H.; Kelber, A., PATTERNS AND PROCESSES IN NOCTURNAL AND CREPUSCULAR POLLINATION SERVICES. Quarterly Review of Biology 2016, 91 (4), 389-418. | 2016 |
Khurana, S., The Effects of Proliferation and DNA Damage on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function Determine Aging. Developmental Dynamics 2016, 245 (7), 739-750. | 2016 |
Khurana, S.; Schouteden, S.; Manesia, J. K.; Santamaria-Martinez, A.; Huelsken, J.; Lacy-Hulbert, A.; Verfaillie, C. M., Outside-in integrin signalling regulates haematopoietic stem cell function via Periostin-Itgav axis. Nature Communications 2016, 7. | 2016 |
Krishna, S.; Somanathan, H., Spatiotemporal strategies that facilitate recruitment in a habitat specialist tree species. Aob Plants 2016, 8. | 2016 |
Murali, G.; Kodandaramaiah, U., Deceived by stripes: conspicuous patterning on vital anterior body parts can redirect predatory strikes to expendable posterior organs. Royal Society Open Science 2016, 3 (6). | 2016 |
Ramesh, A.; Vijayan, S.; Sreedharan, S.; Somanathan, H.; Uma, D., Similar yet different: differential response of a praying mantis to ant-mimicking spiders. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2016, 119 (1), 158-165. | 2016 |
Sahoo, R. K.; Warren, A. D.; Wahlberg, N.; Brower, A. V. Z.; Lukhtanov, V. A.; Kodandaramaiah, U., Ten genes and two topologies: an exploration of higher relationships in skipper butterflies (Hesperiidae). Peerj 2016, 4. | 2016 |
Simoes, B. F.; Sampaio, F. L.; Douglas, R. H.; Kodandaramaiah, U.; Casewell, N. R.; Harrison, R. A.; Hart, N. S.; Partridge, J. C.; Hunt, D. M.; Gower, D. J., Visual Pigments, Ocular Filters and the Evolution of Snake Vision. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2016, 33 (10), 2483-2495. | 2016 |
van Bergen, E.; Barlow, H. S.; Brattstrom, O.; Griffiths, H.; Kodandaramaiah, U.; Osborne, C. P.; Brakefield, P. M., The stable isotope ecology of mycalesine butterflies: implications for plant-insect co-evolution. Functional Ecology 2016, 30 (12), 1936-1946. | 2016 |
Bacquet, P. M. B.; de Jong, M. A.; Brattstrom, O.; Wang, H. L.; Molleman, F.; Heuskin, S.; Lognay, G.; Lofstedt, C.; Brakefield, P. M.; Vanderpoorten, A.; Nieberding, C. M., Differentiation in putative male sex pheromone components across and within populations of the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana as a potential driver of reproductive isolation. Ecology and Evolution 2016, 6 (17), 6064-6084. | 2016 |
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Janakiraman, B.; Mignolet, J.; Narayanan, S.; Viollier, P. H.; Radhakrishnan, S. K., In-phase oscillation of global regulons is orchestrated by a pole-specific organizer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016, 113 (44), 12550-12555. | 2016 |
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Molleman, F.; Depoilly, A.; Vernon, P.; Muller, J.; Bailey, R.; Jarzabek-Muller, A.; Prinzing, A., The island rule of body size demonstrated on individual hosts: phytophagous click beetle species grow larger and predators smaller on phylogenetically isolated trees. Journal of Biogeography 2016, 43 (7), 1388-1399. | 2016 |
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Nair, H. B.; Santhamma, B.; Krishnegowda, N. K.; Dileep, K. V.; Nickisch, K. J., Effects of Combination of Estradiol with Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulators (SPRMs) on Human Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. Plos One 2016, 11 (3). | 2016 |
Sahoo, R. K., Why Antagonistic Traits against Cytoplasmic Incompatibility Are So Elusive. Frontiers in Microbiology 2016, 7. | 2016 |
Santuari, L.; Sanchez-Perez, G. F.; Luijten, M.; Rutjens, B.; Terpstra, I.; Berke, L.; Gorte, M.; Prasad, K.; Bao, D. P.; Timmermans-Hereijgers, J.; Maeo, K.; Nakamura, K.; Shimotohno, A.; Pencik, A.; Novak, O.; Ljung, K.; van Heesch, S.; de Bruijn, E.; Cuppen, E.; Willemsen, V.; Mahonen, A. P.; Lukowitz, W.; Snel, B.; de Ridder, D.; Scheres, B.; Heidstra, R., The PLETHORA Gene Regulatory Network Guides Growth and Cell Differentiation in Arabidopsis Roots. Plant Cell 2016, 28 (12), 2937-2951. | 2016 |
Siligato, R.; Wang, X.; Yadav, S. R.; Lehesranta, S.; Ma, G. J.; Ursache, R.; Sevilem, I.; Zhang, J.; Gorte, M.; Prasad, K.; Wrzaczek, M.; Heidstra, R.; Murphy, A.; Scheres, B.; Mahonen, A. P., MultiSite Gateway-Compatible Cell Type-Specific Gene-Inducible System for Plants. Plant Physiology 2016, 170 (2), 627-641. | 2016 |
Thomas, G. E.; Bandopadhyay, K.; Sutradhar, S.; Renjith, M. R.; Singh, P.; Gireesh, K. K.; Simon, S.; Badarudeen, B.; Gupta, H.; Banerjee, M.; Paul, R.; Mitra, J.; Manna, T. K., EB1 regulates attachment of Ska1 with microtubules by forming extended structures on the microtubule lattice. Nature Communications 2016, 7. | 2016 |
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Balamurali, G. S.; Krishna, S.; Somanathan, H., Senses and signals: evolution of floral signals, pollinator sensory systems and the structure of plant-pollinator interactions. Current Science 2015, 108 (10), 1852-1861. | 2015 |
Balamurali, G. S.; Somanathan, H.; de Ibarra, N. H., Motion cues improve the performance of harnessed bees in a colour learning task. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 2015, 201 (5), 505-511. | 2015 |
Beleyur, T.; Bellur, D. U.; Somanathan, H., Long-term behavioural consistency in prey capture but not in web maintenance in a social spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2015, 69 (6), 1019-1028. | 2015 |
Gupta, H.; Badarudeen, B.; George, A.; Thomas, G. E.; Gireesh, K. K.; Manna, T. K., Human SAS-6 C-Terminus Nucleates and Promotes Microtubule Assembly in Vitro by Binding to Microtubules. Biochemistry 2015, 54 (41), 6413-6422. | 2015 |
Krishnaprasad, G. N.; Anand, M. T.; Lin, G.; Tekkedil, M. M.; Steinmetz, L. M.; Nishant, K. T., Variation in Crossover Frequencies Perturb Crossover Assurance Without Affecting Meiotic Chromosome Segregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 2015, 199 (2), 399-412. | 2015 |
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Mukherjee, R.; Kodandaramaiah, U., What makes eyespots intimidating-the importance of pairedness. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2015, 15. | 2015 |
Nishant, K. T.; Sanyal, K., The good, the bad, and the ugly: How to protect chromosome stability from potential threats A report on the Chromosome Stability Meeting, Bangalore, India, 14-17 December, 2014. Bioessays 2015, 37 (7), 717-720. | 2015 |
Suhail, T. V.; Singh, P.; Manna, T. K., Suppression of centrosome protein TACC3 induces G1 arrest and cell death through activation of p38-p53-p21 stress signaling pathway. European Journal of Cell Biology 2015, 94 (2), 90-100. | 2015 |
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Thomas, G. E.; Sreeja, J. S.; Gireesh, K. K.; Gupta, H.; Manna, T. K., +TIP EB1 downregulates paclitaxel-induced proliferation inhibition and apoptosis in breast cancer cells through inhibition of paclitaxel binding on microtubules. International Journal of Oncology 2015, 46 (1), 133-146. | 2015 |
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Kareem, A.; Durgaprasad, K.; Sugimoto, K.; Du, Y. J.; Pulianmackal, A. J.; Trivedi, Z. B.; Abhayadev, P. V.; Pinon, V.; Meyerowitz, E. M.; Scheres, B.; Prasad, K., PLETHORA Genes Control Regeneration by a Two-Step Mechanism. Current Biology 2015, 25 (8), 1017-1030. | 2015 |
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Thomas, G. E.; Bandopadhyay, K.; Renjith, M.; Singh, P.; Sutradhar, S.; Gireesh, K.; Simon, S.; Badarudeen, B.; Banerjee, M.; Paul, R.; Mitra, J.; Manna, T. K., EB1 regulates Ska1 recruitment to the spindle microtubules and forms discrete oligomeric structures with Ska that orthogonally decorates microtubule lattice. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2015, 26. | 2015 |
Abraham, R. K.; Mathew, J. K.; Cyriac, V. P.; Zachariah, A.; Raju, D. V., A novel third species of the Western Ghats endemic genus Ghatixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae), with description of its tadpole. Zootaxa 2015, 4048 (1), 101-113. | 2015 |
Abraham, R. K.; Zachariah, A.; Cyriac, V. P., A reappraisal of the rhacophorid bush frog Raorchestes flaviventris (Boulenger, 1882), with an evaluation of the taxonomic status of R. emeraldi Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shankar, 2014. Zootaxa 2015, 4048 (1), 90-100. | 2015 |
Sam, K.; Remmel, T.; Molleman, F., Material affects attack rates on dummy caterpillars in tropical forest where arthropod predators dominate: an experiment using clay and dough dummies with green colourants on various plant species. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata 2015, 157 (3), 317-324. | 2015 |
Gireesh, K. K.; Sreeja, J. S.; Chakraborti, S.; Singh, P.; Thomas, G. E.; Gupta, H.; Manna, T., Microtubule plus TIP Protein EB1 Binds to GTP and Undergoes Dissociation from Dimer to Monomer on Binding GTP. Biochemistry 2014, 53 (34), 5551-5557. | 2014 |
Gireesh, K. K.; Sreeja, J. S.; Chakraborti, S.; Singh, P.; Thomas, G. E.; Gupta, H.; Manna, T., Microtubule plus TIP protein EB1 binds to GTP and undergoes dissociation from dimer to monomers upon binding with GTP. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2014, 25. | 2014 |
Krishna, S.; Somanathan, H., Secondary removal of Myristica fatua (Myristicaceae) seeds by crabs in Myristica swamp forests in India. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2014, 30, 259-263. | 2014 |
Ravi, M.; Marimuthu, M. P. A.; Tan, E. H.; Maheshwari, S.; Henry, I. M.; Marin-Rodriguez, B.; Urtecho, G.; Tan, J.; Thornhill, K.; Zhu, F.; Panoli, A.; Sundaresan, V.; Britt, A. B.; Comai, L.; Chan, S. W. L., A haploid genetics toolbox for Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications 2014, 5. | 2014 |
Singh, P.; Thomas, G. E.; Gireesh, K. K.; Manna, T. K., TACC3 Protein Regulates Microtubule Nucleation by Affecting gamma-Tubulin Ring Complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2014, 289 (46), 31719-31735. | 2014 |
Gujarati, T. P.; Ambika, G., Virus antibody dynamics in primary and secondary dengue infections. Journal of Mathematical Biology 2014, 69 (6-7), 1773-1800. | 2014 |
Krishnan, A.; Joshi, K. A.; Abraham, A.; Ayyub, S.; Lahiry, M.; Mukherjee, R.; Javadekar, S. M.; Narayan, V.; Borges, R. M., Finding hidden females in a crowd: Mate recognition in fig wasps. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 2014, 57, 80-87. | 2014 |
Pulianmackal, A. J.; Kareem, A. V. K.; Durgaprasad, K.; Trivedi, Z. B.; Prasad, K., Competence and regulatory interactions during regeneration in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 2014, 5. | 2014 |
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